Streamline Your Design and Development Workflow with Alpha Figma UI Kit

Alpha Figma UI Kit

Introducing the Alpha Figma UI Kit, the perfect add-on to bridge the gap between your design and development phases. Now, you can wireframe, validate, and design your projects using the same blocks and frameworks you trust in Bricksbuilder.

Alpha Figma UI Kit—Bringing Blocks and Tokens to Figma

The Alpha Figma UI Kit brings the complete Alpha block library, along with ACSS and CORE tokens, directly into Figma. Now, you can wireframe, validate, design, and develop with the same tools—saving time and ensuring consistency across your projects.

A Disconnected Design and Development Workflow

You’re already maximizing efficiency in Bricksbuilder with the Alpha block library, built on Automatic CSS and CORE frameworks. But in Figma, you’re missing the same 500+ blocks, leading to a disjointed design-to-development process.

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Faster Delivery, Fewer Revisions, Happier Clients

Experience the benefits

With the Alpha Figma UI Kit, you’ll move seamlessly from design to development, reducing revisions and delivering projects faster. Your workflow becomes more efficient, and your clients more satisfied.

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Seamless Integration from Design to Development

Transform your workflow

Get the Alpha Figma UI Kit for just €79 and align your Figma workflow with your Bricksbuilder tools. Achieve faster delivery, fewer revisions, and happier clients—starting today.

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  • ACSS and CORE Tokens

    Make use of the tokens/variables you are used to when utilizing your favorite framework.

  • All the 500+ Alpha blocks at your fingertips in Figma

    Say goodbye to a disjointed design-to development process. You can now build the exact design you designed in Figma in Bricks.

  • Visual style guide

    The style guide gives you a visual representation of your projects colors, typogray and sizes, spacing and radius. All changes are auto updated and directly visible.

  • Uses Components and Instances

    All Alpha blocks are components which give you a single source of truth where you can make global changes from and instances allow you to easily switch between the blocks in the same category without having to remove and add another. Sweet!

  • Global typography and spacing management

    Manage your typography and spacing from one place. Increase or decrease your text & heading and tighten or loosen your spacing across your project

  • Completely built with auto layout

    The Alpha blocks are built with auto layout to allow grow to fill or shrink to fit, and reflow as their contents change. Customization made easy!

  • Global color management

    Setting up your project colors is super simple. Update all your colors and shades in a blink of an eye.

  • More features worth mentioning

    Button components containing solid, outline and link styles, Basic building block to build your own blocks, Basic canvas to kick start your project, Identity page to setup your project, and more

Elevate Your Workflow with the Alpha Figma UI Kit

Adopt the Alpha Figma UI Kit and experience a seamless, efficient design process that carries through to development. From UX/UI to project completion, you’ll have the confidence that your tools are perfectly aligned, leading to faster, more reliable outcomes.

Frequently asked questions

We try our best to answer your questions, if you have more questions, reach out to us.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle spare ribs bresaola, tenderloin frankfurter doner rump. Turkey tenderloin jerky kevin pork loin. Frankfurter rump tongue landjaeger, pork buffalo sirloin. Pig cupim sausage biltong meatball tongue hamburger t-bone cow shank pancetta burgdoggen. Tail kielbasa meatloaf pork chop kevin ham hock frankfurter turducken brisket alcatra tenderloin jerky pig.